Many bloggers spend a lot of time working on maintaining their site to be at an optimal level. In doing this, it means cleaning up on a regular basis. Actively cleaning up a blog includes not only getting rid of trash and completely trashing all spam data, but it also means making sure pictures are optimally sized, Categories and tags are appropriately used, and that you don’t go overboard with plugins. So here are 4 wordpress plugins to delete after you use them in order to gain optimum blog performance without weighing or slowing down your site.
Must Have WordPress Plugins to Help with Blog Performance
P3 Plugin Performance Profiler
It’s important to start off with a scan of your site. This means that you are seeing what is a huge load on your site speed. Having a ton of plugins is something that can affect your site speed, especially if you’re not actively using each plugin. I personally recommend no more than 20-25 plugins, but I am of the opinion that coding a site is better long-term vs. adding a plugin. But if you disagree, that’s fine too!
So go ahead, run the p3 scanner. Figure out what plugins you aren’t really using that are using up a lot of space. And then see which ones you are using, that maybe you could replace with code or a smaller plugin. For instance, do you have Yoast and a plugin for a google sitemap? That’s redundant and you can get rid of the sitemap-specific plugin. Download the P3 plugin now.
Clean Up Optimizer
I like to go in and clean up all my spam comment meta-data. Typically this is still going to be there even if you have a spam filter like askimet. So I go in every month or two and scan my site to delete post revisions because sometimes I have revised a post 30 times and every version is saved on my site! I also get rid of spam comment meta data, and other saved information that is taking up space on my site, but is not being used. So personally, I leave all my drafts, but that is also something that could be cleaned up if you want. Download Clean Up Optimizer now.
EWWW Image Optimizer Cloud
This plugin scans your photos and actually goes in and resizes to an optimum photo file size (not necessarily pixel size) for your site speed. If you want it to, it can also delete the original so you’re not adding to your site’s memory. It’s a great photo fix to run every so often to make sure your wordpress site is not being loaded down with enormous images. Download EWWW Image Optimizer Cloud now.

Term Management Tools
This is actually one of my favorite plugins to use and delete and I use it all the time. It allows you to change tags to categories and vice versa. It also allows you to merge two tags or two categories. Even better is that when you merge, say a tag into another tag, it deletes the old one. Or if you choose to merge two together with a completely new name, it also deletes both of the previous ones.

In blogging, I like to say that your blog is like a book. So your categories are going to be your Table of Content and your tags are going to be your index. This allows Google to index your site easier and readers to navigate easier. In the end I typically use (and also recommend) 5-10 Categories and 150-200 tags maximum. So when i start adding more tags or think I need a new category, when I go back in at the end of the month or quarter and analyze my tags and categories, I can easily merge and transfer items without hassle. Download Term Management Tools Now.